December 2022

Forums Monthly Challenges December 2022

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    • #12550
      Silks Stars Team

        Option 1: Jump Rope Jazz to Butterfly Wings
        Option 2: Jump Rope Jazz to Eagle (mini-rig)
        Share your comments, questions, and work from this month’s combination below!

      • #12688

          Hi. This sequence is fun. Thanks!! Is chairography required as part of our December submission?

          • #12693
            Silks Stars Team

              Hi Janice. The ground choreography is not required but you’re welcome to use it if you like!

          • #12696

              I started working on the December challenge today, and I’m having some trouble with jump rope jazz: creating enough space between my body and the poles to allow the fabric to pass freely. It keeps getting stuck, lol. And if I lean back too much I then feel like I’ll fall backwards. Here’s my jump rope jazz progress so far:

              Thanks for your help!

              • #12700

                  Yep, this is me, too. Pretty much the exact same spot, as well.

                • #12701

                    Glad to know I’m not the only one! Hopefully they’ll be able point us in the right direction 🙂

                • #12697

                    Hi there 🙂 I keep getting the silks tails pinned between the front of my shoulders/pecks and the poles (I can get them up over my shoulders, but they can’t slide down my front because I end up leaning forward against the poles, despite my best intentions). Any tips for getting the tails past my armpits and down by my lap? It seems like leaning back a bit would help, but I’m struggling to get my body to do that while doing the jump rope part.

                  • #12705
                    Silks Stars Team

                      Hello! Sarah will answer all theses great questions during tomorrow’s Q&A!

                    • #12711

                        Hi! I hope my question is still on time for the q&a… I noticed that I tend to lose some height everytime during the butterfly wings part… I attach a small clip… I think I am
                        missing something in the rotation preceding the butterfly wings… maybe I need to pull the silks more downwards? Thanks!


                        • #12712
                          Silks Stars Team

                            Hi Yvan! Would you mind to send a vid with the wrap as well? That will help us give more tips for this.

                          • #12714

                              Sure! New link below… It feels I lose the lock when I start moving my butterfly wings and the biggest drop happens when diving my arms under… just before the inversion for the skin the cat. Thanks a lot! Any tip appreciated 😃❤️


                            • #12717
                              Silks Stars Team

                                Hi again! Looking great Yvan. Sarah says to try the double cross, as Rachel suggested. Let us know how that goes!

                            • #12725

                                Ow thanks! A cotton-ish type tshirt did the trick for me 🙂

                                This month I submit early since my Christmas holidays are starting soon and I wont have access to a rigging point for the next 30 days.
                                I wish you all Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy entry into the New Year.
                                Peace and love, Yvan

                                PD… as usual a link to my submission in case you are interested


                              • #12728

                                  Hi all! I got too busy to film November but love it now, and also here is my attempt at December….. perhaps my last challenge on a high ish rig before sailing to NZ! So thanks for the inspiration and I will do mini rig challenges when weather allows!


                                • #12731

                                    Hi there! Here is my first day of working on the (super fun!) December challenge:

                                    Based on the other posts in this thread it seems like it’s a common problem (glad I’m not alone), but I’ve been having trouble with getting the jump rope be all one smooth motion/drop, it keeps getting stuck and then I end up awkwardly sliding the rest of the way. Do you have any tips for fixing that? I’m also trying to work on making that an overall bigger/more dramatic moment in the sequence. Thanks!!

                                    • #12733
                                      Silks Stars Team

                                        Hi There! Check out the Q and A replay. Sarah goes over these questions in it…

                                    • #12792

                                        Hi – I know this months ground based option is the chair-ography but is it possible to do a previous ground based option this month eg the pilates from november and submit that to get the stars? I’m able to do most of the pilates class now with modifications post surgery but not quite up to chair-ography! No worries if not – thought I’d ask. Thanks, Gillian

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