March 2023

Forums Monthly Challenges March 2023

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    • #13486
      Silks Stars Team

        Option 1: Secretary Spin to Demi Coffin Drop Salto
        Option 2: Single Strand Loop Climb to Secretary Spin
        Post your questions, comments and work below!

      • #13487

          Lovely choreo, thank you!

        • #13624

            Wow! Yes! This is gorgeous! Starting on day ONE! NO procrastination this month! But I already have my 1st question. For lack of a nicer way to say it, this is very up my butt 🤷🏼‍♀️ Honestly to the point of I might have a little burn/bruising in the crack 🤣 Is this just a get tougher thing or am I doing something wrong or is there little finesses I can do to make that better? Thank so much! Also, LOVED the Pilates! You guys are great! ALL of you!

            • #13627
              Silks Stars Team

                Hi Jill, yes this one really is ‘up the butt’ for sure! The more you can pull up with your arms as you rotate through in between the poles on that first Hip Key the easier and more comfortable it will be. Also, I would suggest not dropping too many times full out into the Demi Coffin drop as hat can get pretty crotch-ey 🙂

              • #13664

                  Thank you very much. Working to pull up more in the Hip Key is helping a little. I have also found that wearing tights under my leggings helps a little 😉. … Ummm haven’t worked on drop yet. You know me and drops. Gotta work up to it 😂🤷🏼‍♀️

                • #13665
                  Silks Stars Team

                    Glad to hear the tip is helping. And good call on adding tights!

                • #13648


                    I have 3 questions on the sequence this month (spin and salto not added yet).
                    1. Arabesque position: This feels very tight and constrained. I don’t feel like I can be the range of motion I see in the video, but maybe my body is in the wrong position?
                    2. Coffin Drop: I am dropping with such force that I am coming all the way up to pole after dropping. How do I “slow it down” so I can go into salto? Or, I suppose I could “hit” the pole and fall back again to go into salto, but not sure if that will look od.
                    3. I am also struggling this this being “really up in there.” I tried pulling up more, which does help a little, but wow. Any other tips? Or just deal with it lol?


                  • #13650
                    Silks Stars Team

                      Hi Natasha, this is a good start and I (Rachel) will go into more detail in the Q and A with your questions but in terms of the Drop you are doing a full Coffin Drop’ here in the video rather then a ‘Demi’. As you drop try to keep facing upwards in order not to rotate and you will land it the way i did and then be able to climb up into the Salto. Keep up the great work!

                    • #13659

                        Hi all! Here’s my mini rig attempt. It wasn’t perfectly still on the boat so I didn’t spin much, and was careful.
                        Loved it again! Thanks, team!

                      • #13663
                        Silks Stars Team

                          Looks fabulous! Thank you for sharing!

                        • #13667

                            That was so beautiful, @robin! I have a question about robin’s video. In her hip key, she goes between the strands with her left leg, whereas in rachel’s, her left leg goes between her and the strand (her leg is between her armpit and a strand). It didn’t seem to make a difference for Robin, though. Does it make a difference?

                            • #13672
                              Silks Stars Team

                                What an eye! Rachel will cover it in the Q&A this week.

                            • #13668

                                Thanks Caitlin for noticing! I guess I missed something. ?
                                I look forward to reading the answer to your question!

                              • #13670

                                  I’m having trouble consistently getting the silk to go behind my bottom when I rotate from the spin, to enter the secretary spin so it’s firmly in place, shall we say. This makes executing the rest of the sequence awkward. It’s 50/50 at the moment, whether it falls into place. I’ve attached a video so you can see what I mean 😂 Any tips to getting it to consistently slide across?


                                  • #13673
                                    Silks Stars Team

                                      Yes! Rachel will address this in the Q&A.

                                    • #13692

                                        Finally watched the Q&A, and yes I was putting my leg wrong from the hipkey 🤦🏻‍♀️. Light bulb! Works great now, thank you!!

                                        And now I appreciate the up the butt comments more 😂

                                    • #13679

                                        I’m having a really hard time wrapping the tail over my shoulder in the secretary seat. Any cues would be greatly appreciated.

                                      • #13680

                                          I applied the tips from today’s Q&A during practice this afternoon…it made all the difference in the world. If you haven’t watched it yet you should! Thanks for the tips!!!

                                          • #13684
                                            Silks Stars Team

                                              Cathy, that is so wonderful to hear! Keep up the good work!

                                          • #13689

                                              I watched the Q&A and found a lot of good advice. Thank you! I saw that you answered my question but the part I’m having trouble with is when I grab the silks with my left hand and bring it over my left shoulder. Sorry for the confusion. Here’s the video. What should I do to make it smooth and pretty?

                                              • #13694
                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                  Hi Manon! Glad you are finding the Q&A to be helpful and for the further clarification. It looks like you figure out the orientation of the hand by the end and then the tail transfer is smooth. Try keeping the hand down by your side, take a breath as you set the hand orientation first, and then grab the fabric to lift the tail. If the hand stays by the side of your torso as you lift it and the elbow moves forward, it might also help the mechanics of the lift. Seems like such a small detail but drilling it really offers a whole new level of smoothness!! Keep us posted on how it goes.

                                                • #13695

                                                    Thank you! I will think about it next time I practice.

                                                • #13708


                                                    Hi. I’d appreciate coaching. See my training video. I believe my hip key entry and how I insert my knee/leg is correct. After the 2nd arabesque, when I turn to hook my left leg, the pole I am holding does not end up in the correct place for me to sit on. When I do this part of the sequence….. sometimes I am successful but sometimes I am not. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

                                                  • #13721
                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                      Hi Janice!

                                                      When you roll up before the spin, the looser pole needs to stay close to your belly, even after you let go. In the video posted, your steps are correct and when the looser pole is released, it wraps around the tight pole. This happens sometimes with tension and a swivel when we work close to the rescue eight. So when you go to roll out to the secretary sit, the slack you need to sit is wrapped up around the tight pole. It’s so sneaky which is why sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t! One thing you could try is to continue holding the looser pole in the top hand as you create the spin with the bottom hand. This will keep the poles from wrapping up on you. You are doing all the right things! That looser pole is adding on a wrap when it’s released and it’s very subtle. Please let us know how it goes!

                                                      • #13736

                                                          Hi. Super thanks for your feedback. After you pointed out that I should make sure the loose pole doesn’t go twirling around the other strand, I found a technique which I hope is ok with you. I hooked my left arm into the loose strand. In this way, the poles don’t intertwine, and I was able to gather the tails and spin without holding the pole. So fun!!! Thanks you.


                                                        • #13758
                                                          Silks Stars Team

                                                            Boom! Nice variation! A good elbow hook is so satisfying.

                                                        • #13735

                                                            Here is my training video / possible submission for this month. I was in a car accident friday and my back and neck are a little jacked up still. So glad I started working on this challenge early so I have some videos to choose from. I have one question, do I need to PIKE more for the drop? My legs don’t end up in the same place as in Rachel’s video after I drop. Thank you!!!

                                                            • #13760
                                                              Silks Stars Team

                                                                Oh no, Alyssa! So sorry to hear about your car accident! Please take good care of yourself!
                                                                For your drop in the video, your chest rotates towards the floor once the pole hand shifts the fabric from behind your shoulder, leading to a forward rotation instead of a straight back facing drop. It’s a tough placement to hold! If you do get to try the challenge again this month, one cue that might work is look at the ceiling the whole time during the drop. Then the fabric will be arriving behind the knee for the hook. We hope you heal quickly!

                                                              • #13785

                                                                  Thank you so much! that is helpful! I’ll come back to this one eventually. I don’t think I’ll be able to full out drop before friday. 🙂

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