April 2022

Forums Monthly Challenges April 2022


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    • #9831
      Silks Stars Team

        Option 1: Knee Tangle to Cartwheel Star
        Option 2: (mini-rig) Knee Tangle to Candy-cane Archer
        Share your comments, questions, and work from this month’s combination below!

      • #9952

          How exciting that Kerry has taught a dance as part of this month’s challenge 🙂 Hurray! Am looking forward to training for this.

        • #9989

            Nice choreography from Kerry including an amazing drop. Looking forward to work on this one.

          • #9997

              Is the floor choreo required as part of this overall Silks sequence April submission? And if yes, is it ok to adjust the counting depending on the music type (eg. Speed up the countings if the music is faster than what’s in the demo)?

              • #10012
                Silks Stars Team

                  Hi Janice, the floor is not required, just inspiration for you!

              • #10001

                  Really cool!! I’ll try to do floor choreo and silks part with the same Music Kerry uses 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

                • #10003

                    One question, I have enough space to do a salto single star.. so, can I attempt the cartwheel too?Probably I’ll have to do everything really on top of my silks

                    • #10014
                      Silks Stars Team

                        Yes, that should work – please walk it down first to be safe!

                    • #10027


                        Love this new sequence, thank you @kerrywee😍.
                        Started training it until the preparation for the drop but was not sure I had enough hight for it.
                        Next Tuesday, I ll give it a shot on a higher silks, meanwhile do you have tips for improvement?


                        Thank you!

                        • #10124
                          Silks Stars Team

                            Great job so far, Helene! Keep working towards refining the stretch in your knees, and length and line in your feet. Keep up the good work!

                          • #10140

                              Thank you for the advice & feedback!

                          • #10032

                              Hi Kerry! I have not held the tail that way for cartwheel yet. It has always been across the body, under the left armpit and behind the neck with my right hand holding it. Does it matter which way the tail is held for the sequence?

                              • #10057
                                Silks Stars Team

                                  Kerry says-
                                  I have seen cartwheel star wrapped taught about 5 different ways. Basically if you do a normal star wrap (catchers + single belly wrap), it’s not quite enough. So lots of people have added here and there to secure it. Some like to crochet around the arm for example. So wrapping 1.5 times over the belly was my way of securing it. I prefer the look of it and the efficiency but others are just as functional.

                                  I hope that helps:)

                                • #10059

                                    Yes, thank you!

                                • #10048

                                    Also, what Twilight song is that?? Love it and can’t find it 😅

                                  • #10111


                                      Hi. I am scared to do the drop unless I get validation that my prep is correct 🙂 I changed the left/right orientation. I hope that’s ok. Can you please check this prep video. Any other comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

                                      • #10134
                                        Silks Stars Team

                                          Yes, you are wrapped properly!

                                        • #10139

                                            Super thanks for checking this out. And for your validation 🙂

                                        • #10141

                                            Am just wondering if the cartwheel drop is also doable to a double (or more) star wraps?

                                            • #10142
                                              Silks Stars Team

                                                Hi there Eiz, Kerry here. Technically it is possible I imagine but I have never tried it. Mostly because the cartwheel rotation will not set up well for a clean star rotation. I imagine a cool beginning of the drop but a messy double star. Just my two cents.

                                            • #10144

                                                I see, thank you!

                                              • #10146

                                                  Hi Kerry, I tried the mini-rig sequence for the first time last night. I am not a very flexible/splitty person; so I had difficulty setting up for the Candy Cane archer (extending the leg and hooking over the silks). I almost had to invert to do that. Do you have any tips for me? Thanks!

                                                  • #10147
                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                      Hi – Kerry here. Fulling inverting to hook the leg is just fine. Sometimes I hang out there for a moment, just didn’t for the filming. Just make sure the fabric is in your lower back for safety, but otherwise, you’re good.

                                                      I feel like the bigger problem is pushing away for the archer pose, if anyone is having trouble with that, be lower on the fabric if possible.

                                                    • #10148

                                                        Yes! The pushing away for the archer pose was impossible the first go-round. I’ll try it again lower on the fabric.

                                                      • #10165

                                                          Oh my goodness! Lower on the silks for the archer is a game changer! Thank you!

                                                      • #10152

                                                          Working on it in 2 sections – cartwheel star the first 5 times I did it it was fine, but now I’m catching my bottom leg on the pole as I rotate into the star. Any tips on how to avoid that?
                                                          Video of an attempt that didn’t catch https://share.icloud.com/photos/0d2NqgLcLFMBrAB6G_75b4npA

                                                          • #10155
                                                            Silks Stars Team

                                                              Hi Elly, Kerry here… Looks like you are just piking a bit after the cartwheel part of the drop. When you practice again, try to stay in that star position longer with your body straight and wide instead of folding at the hips. Having said that, it’s a really fast drop and a challenge to retain the star shape. At the cinch, try to point the front of your hips straight up.

                                                              Hope that helps! kw

                                                          • #10160

                                                              Hi Kerry, my questions about the Knee Tangle to Cartwheel Star, since I am in Europe and the Q&A is 2AM, I will not be able to ask them live in person.
                                                              1) The inverted split (before the banana), is there a nice shape for less flexible people? My split is not great, normally I do a stag instead, but given the wrapped leg that is not a good option. The banana works fine for me. Tips?
                                                              2) In the knee tangle, is there a good and elegant way to place the wrap correct in the knee fold? Sometimes the wrap is too high on my thigh and will not come down, I do not like to reposition it by hand since that does not look nice. Tips?
                                                              3) I love the drop! in your example I see two cartwheels in a straight direction, and a turn in the end. If I do the drop, I turn after the first cartwheel while doing the second. That looks less simple. Any tips to clean this up? What cue do you give to stay in position ? I tried legs and core tension, but that does not do the trick.
                                                              4) I have problems bending the wrapped leg at the end of the drop. Either the drop becomes chaos, or I do it too late (looks funny). Tips on correct timing?

                                                              • #10167
                                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                                  Hi! Kerry here!

                                                                  1) The inverted split (before the banana), is there a nice shape for less flexible people? My split is not great, normally I do a stag instead, but given the wrapped leg that is not a good option. The banana works fine for me. Tips?

                                                                  I think bending the free leg instead of a split might work well. It would end up being the back leg.
2) In the knee tangle, is there a good and elegant way to place the wrap correct in the knee fold? Sometimes the wrap is too high on my thigh and will not come down, I do not like to reposition it by hand since that does not look nice. Tips?

                                                                  Send a video for this one, I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking.
3) I love the drop! in your example I see two cartwheels in a straight direction, and a turn in the end. If I do the drop, I turn after the first cartwheel while doing the second. That looks less simple. Any tips to clean this up? What cue do you give to stay in position ? I tried legs and core tension, but that does not do the trick.

                                                                  It’s actually just a full cartwheel ratation and a half twist to belly up. It looks like more, which is why it’s MAGICAL and amazing:) My cue is to stay static and wide as long as possible then find the end pose. So only two poses to pass thru.
4) I have problems bending the wrapped leg at the end of the drop. Either the drop becomes chaos, or I do it too late (looks funny). Tips on correct timing?

                                                                  You can also try to squeeze the legs together straight if it’s more feasible, personally i think that’s a more difficult position to hit.

                                                                  Bottom line is that this drop requires good responsiveness as you’re dropping. So it’s a great one to practice to train drop technique. As your responsiveness quickens, it’ll get better and better:) Good luck and happy training!!

                                                              • #10166

                                                                  Is there a way to walk this drop down? Asking for a friend 😜

                                                                  • #10168
                                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                                      Hi! kerry here,

                                                                      lol… u can tell your friend…..yes, of course. you can always walk down almost any drop for safety if you’re not sure about the wrap…BUT, if you’re sure that you wrapped it correctly, I would say there’s no point. It’s not open and the walk down won’t prep you for the real thing like walking down a secretary drop does for example.

                                                                      Star leg wrap and solid grip on the tail is your bottom line safety. As long as you do those two things (as well as being high enough), even if it looks/feels crazy, you’re in and safe.

                                                                      Good luck and happy training!

                                                                  • #10190

                                                                      https://www.silksstars.com/community/susi/media/2276/ Hi! Happy Easter! Hopefully this isn’t my last version but ‘m not sure if I’ll have the chance to clean it … so, that’s where I am right now. I couldn’t choose from all the work proposals our guest coach showed us so I mmixed it a bit ah ah… crossed fingers she doesn’t mind 😂😂 Thank you Kerry Wee I really had fun, thank you silks stars! Love you! Oh and this time I choose a Portuguese song, for a Portuguese aerialist! Keep safe and happy guys! 😃🙌

                                                                    • #10194

                                                                        Thank you! 😃🙏

                                                                      • #10197

                                                                          I need help! Every time I do the cartwheel star, the tail gets stuck on my foot in the landing. It’s happened to both feet. Don’t know if I need to throw the tail more with my hand, or do something different with my feet.

                                                                          • #10199
                                                                            Silks Stars Team

                                                                              Kimberly, Kerry here… can you send a video?

                                                                            • #10200
                                                                              • #10221
                                                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                                                  Kimberely, Kerry here… I think I watched it a dozen times and it looks like you’re just slightly angled to the floor. Just slightly. Bring your chest up a bit and toes down. If not, the drop angle shifts and weirdness ensues. Try to adjust your right arm a bit out and up instead of forward and up. Let me know if that changes anything.

                                                                              • #10198

                                                                                  I finally had a chance to work on this fun sequence. In case anyone is wondering what happens if you grab the wrong pole coming out of the candy cane archer sequence, wonder no more! I made this blooper reel so you don’t have to! (it made me laugh so hard once I escaped, I thought I would share: https://share.icloud.com/photos/07dXW0D6CXyD9BaG9OON25EOg)

                                                                                • #10218

                                                                                    Hi there!!! So after 5+ months of not having access to a rig or open studio time due to moving 1000 miles south and one thing after another needing to be done before setting it up, I *finally* have my rig up at my new house and I am SO STOKED to be back to working on monthly challenges!! Here is my first day working on the April challenge. I’m not 100% sure I have enough room at the top to do the full cartwheel star (I’m kinda paranoid about hitting the legs of the rig, but maybe you can let me know if you think I’d be okay), so for today I just stuck to a regular single star. Watching the video back I definitely want to hold the knee tangle shapes for longer and maybe get a better spin, but do you have any other tips? Thanks so much!!

                                                                                    • #10219
                                                                                      • #10225
                                                                                        Silks Stars Team

                                                                                          Hi! Kerry here… I agree with you, legs might hit the poles. That’s probably more the issue than height available if you’re at the top.

                                                                                          When it comes to the spin, it was never a sequence that I ever tried to do a huge spin bc I don’t love being in that knee hang for a lot longer than what you see in the tutorial videos. But try it and see if it works for you. When it comes to spinning the tail after wrapping it on the leg, for me, with it trapping both legs, it just seemed less smooth to spin after the wrap. Give it a try if you’re curious and let me know!

                                                                                        • #10238

                                                                                            Thanks for the reply! Yeah I know I have enough height on the silk to do the cartwheel, but since the legs are kinda close together that high up I probably shouldn’t risk it. Maybe I will find another way to jazz up the single star without breaking a toe 🙃
                                                                                            I’ll probably play around with this sequence some more today or tomorrow to work on the spin/knee tangle poses so hopefully I can post here again before the deadline.

                                                                                        • #10220


                                                                                            I would appreciate some feedback, especially for the drop. I feel like a raggy doll ! Also, is it okay to wrap the leg before spinning ? Annabelle and I like that because we keep a better spin during the following shape.

                                                                                            • #10226
                                                                                              Silks Stars Team


                                                                                                Great job!

                                                                                                You can wrap the leg before or after the spin, doesn’t change the safety of it at all. I just prefer the way that I did in the tutorial, but def go with your preference.

                                                                                                In the prep at the top before you drop, your position is a bit too close to a salto prep therefore it’s dropping to a bit forward instead of sideways. Your head should be pointing to the ceiling and toes floor. Imagine there’s laser beams coming out of your head and toes. if it’s not ceiling and floor, adjust.

                                                                                                Widen the legs more…. those two things should make a huge difference:)

                                                                                              • #10259

                                                                                                  Thank you so much ! I will think about it !

                                                                                              • #10222

                                                                                                  Hi Kerry, Click HERE my first submission for the mini-rig sequence.

                                                                                                  A couple of comments:

                                                                                                  I couldn’t do the archer pose to save my life. I actually accomplished it once (not in this video), but I was sitting my hips way back, which was probably a “cheat” way to do it. I also had to muscle my way over into the split/banana at the beginning as I don’t have the flexibility to do the skill as you did in your video. Finally, I wasn’t able to pull my split in the candy cane archer because I’m just not flexible enough.

                                                                                                  Looking forward to your feedback!


                                                                                                  • #10227
                                                                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                      Marisa, hi! Kerry here…great job! it’s ok if the flexibility isn’t there for the first 2 poses. Lots of my students skip the poses and go straight to the cinch.

                                                                                                      I would say… get a bit more slack whenever you spin, it’ll be easier and smoother

                                                                                                      The archer… it is a tight position, especially on the mini rip size. Right before the left knee hook, it’s basically an inversion. Think of your wrapped leg more out to a straddle position for the left knee hook and the split pull and only stand on the footlock for the archer and shoulder pose.

                                                                                                      Hope that helps!

                                                                                                  • #10236

                                                                                                      April Combination

                                                                                                      Here’s my April submission! Had to much fun with this one. I found it easier to just grab my foot instead of doing the double wrap. Let me know if you’re having trouble viewing it!

                                                                                                    • #10247

                                                                                                        Hi all! Just saying that my last week post it’s really the final one for this month as I got a peroneal tendinitis 🙁 Let’s see if it gets better so I can catch up next month challenge! Hope you all keep training safe and happy! 🙂

                                                                                                      • #10284

                                                                                                          Here’s my submission, thanks a lot Kerry for this month’s challenge and for the choreo ❣️
                                                                                                          April challenge

                                                                                                        • #10287

                                                                                                            Below my submission for this month. Thanks a lot Kerry!


                                                                                                          • #10299

                                                                                                              Here‘s my submission for this month. I was too intimidated to do the drop, so I decided to put myself out of my comfort zone by trying to be a little more “dance-y” than I ever am. I also had a special guest join me today – some seriously blowing wind! Kerry – thanks for this beautiful combo! I am going to keep working on it for sure!

                                                                                                            • #10330
                                                                                                              Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                                Awesome, everyone!

                                                                                                              • #10361

                                                                                                                  Here is my submission for this month (just made it!) Thanks for a great sequence Kerry!


                                                                                                                • #10394

                                                                                                                    I tried to edit my original comment posted a couple days ago, and it disappeared. I’ve uploaded another attempt to the combination. Link here – submitted just in time before the month ends 🙂 Thanks for the review!

                                                                                                                  • #13971

                                                                                                                      Can we still ask questions on past challenges? If so, I have two on this one:
                                                                                                                      1. The very beginning two wrap foot into split. The wrap keeps falling off in the split. How do I prevent that from happening? I am flexing the foot but it’s still coming off
                                                                                                                      2. The drop. I’m getting caught halfway – turning it into a knee hook and then single star drop. Are my legs not straight enough and/or body not pushing far enough back?


                                                                                                                      • #13974
                                                                                                                        Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                                          Good morning!
                                                                                                                          1. Check if you wrapped leg is parallel to the floor in the split, if the wrapped leg is perpendicular to the floor, it unravels.
                                                                                                                          2. Part of what keeps the cartwheel drop smooth is activation in the body to keep the legs/hips/torso aligned while falling. Strong activation keeps the pole from closing the angle of hips or knees until you choose. Folding at the hips and/or the belly turning towards the floor are some of the usual sticky spots for this variation.
                                                                                                                          Happy training!

                                                                                                                        • #13985

                                                                                                                            I will try that – thank you!

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