Reply To: March 2022

Forums Monthly Challenges March 2022 Reply To: March 2022


    So I have a pretty high rig point (18+’) and I’ve tried the sequence a number of times. If I position myself at the top so that I don’t get tangled with the top of the rig point, I lose too much height with the split to have room for the ankle hang at the bottom. I can’t get the foot wrap any higher because I don’t have enough flexibility. I can kick into the foot hang, but only have about 2/3 of my body length to the ground. I can basically do a pretty pose then climb out of it. Any tips? Also, I think I’m getting an extra wrap of the loose silk around the other pole before going into the cocoon. I have to unwrap it once before I sling the silk around into the cocoon. I can’t figure out what I’m doing to cause that. Also, will it matter in the long run?