April 2024

Forums Monthly Challenges April 2024

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    • #16881
      Silks Stars Team

        Slack Drag Arabesque to Pop and Lock Belay and Knee Twizzle to Pop and Lock Belay (mini rig). Post your questions, comments and work below!

      • #16896

          Oooh lovely to see Rain back again! Excited for a different entry into belay 🙂

        • #17031

            Started today with the mini rig. I can’t get the entry into knee tangle.i try to extend the body,but something get stuck and the result Is very unelegant… Some suggestions? Thanx you!

            • #17032
              Silks Stars Team

                Will add to the list for Q&A! Until then, Rain covers a few fabric placement tips in the talk and walk through in the video 🙂

              • #17033

                  yes, she say that the silk have to go over the hip, but still I can’t get very well the movement… maybe with more practice. today was the first attempt. thank you

              • #17042

                  I understand that there is a lot of slack and dropping in to positions in this one, but are there any tips for less slack in the first part where you end up holding with your left knee pit? I’m literally losing my entire length of silk work space😂🤦🏼‍♀️ Having a blast! Thanks!

                • #17049

                    More Questions today. Lol After the pop and I twist down into the belay, I’m having a lot of trouble getting my head to go down. My lower body seems heavier and tends to weigh me so I’m upright in the belay. Also, before the pop, I feel like my right side is very secure as I change my grip, but my left side always seems a little looser. sometimes in the video I can even see that my left hip is an inch lower because of this looseness. Need a video? Thanks! 😊

                  • #17050

                      OK, last question, I promise! I am also struggling with the inversion. Is it just a strength thing or is there technique that I’m possibly missing? On a really good try I’m towing over. on a bad try, I’m just falling to my death lol just kidding, but I am struggling. also probably making muscle! 💪🏻

                      • #17052
                        Silks Stars Team

                          Making muscle! Will add the questions to the list!

                      • #17059
                        Silks Stars Team

                          Hi here is the end of the Q&A video. There is no password for this one. Thanks to all who joined us live!

                        • #17069
                          Silks Stars Team

                            Here is the link to Rain’s teacher training program as mentioned in the Q and A this month: https://www.paperdollmilitia.com/aerial-instruction/teacher-trainings/overview/

                          • #17070

                              The link to the replay is only part 2. Do you have Part 1 as well? Thank you!

                            • #17077

                                Thank you!

                              • #17095


                                  Still struggling with losing height, even after the awesome Q&A. Any thoughts on what I’m not quite getting right?

                                  • #17122
                                    Silks Stars Team

                                      Thank you for the video! For this moment, think about the left leg finding a knee hook on the pole that is under the thigh, really pinch it to create a single pole ‘cradle’ as you lean back to swim the other pole to make the X back. After the arabesque shape, as the leg is sliding forward on the first slack pull pole, keep the hands by the shoulders, find the knee hook as the elbows elongate so you only slide the length of your arms at most. OR! Try keeping the elbows bent as you sink the hips down, compressing the knees to the chest as the knee hook solidifies, getting that pole into the knee pit ASAP for your solid knee hang pinch. You’ve got this!

                                  • #17130

                                      Ok! Thanks! Gonna keep working! 💪🏻😁

                                    • #17214

                                        Odd question. I randomly found great feedback from silkstars team on my submissions and I can’t find it. What do I look under to access your feedback? (May Challenge looks great by the way.)

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