December 2024

Forums Monthly Challenges December 2024

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    • #18614
      Silks Stars Team

        Hipkey/Thigh-Hitch Swing to Salto to Cowgirl and Hipkey/Thigh-Hitch Flow to Cowgirl (mini rig). Post your questions, comments and work below!

      • #18643

          I’m already having a blast! Early Merry Christmas and thanks! … After the front planche I’m having a little trouble initiating the roll over with my leg. I feel like I need to bend my leg. Is this just in my head or am I not engaging something correctly? Thanks again!

          • #18648
            Silks Stars Team

              Good question, adding to the Q&A. Until then, a hint. Tilt forward 😉

          • #18649

              Oh my gosh! Magic! That helped so much! And so obvious to me now! Thank you! Another reason I LOVE being a part of this!!!

            • #18651

                I was waiting for this sequence!!!! so beautiful, as all your challenges
                there’s some hint for catching the tail with the left knee, after the skin the cat, without looking like a crazy rhino? Jenn do it very smoothly, I can’t get the move.
                also i find the sequence very “slippery”, at the end of the crazy rhino i do not have the space sufficient to stay safely far from the ground for the salto. Any suggestion?
                A suggestion for a different entry to cowgirl prep, in order to split the two part of the sequence and try like two different parts?
                thank you!!

                • #18660
                  Silks Stars Team

                    Great questions, added to the list!

                  • #18661

                      I tried yesterday the entry for the cowgirl. I think that an invert with oppposite knee hook it’s ok.
                      But i found that the next part it’s a little difficult for me (sliding the silk with the foot to sit down)
                      my forearms get very tired 😀

                  • #18662

                      This is one of “those” questions I feel 😂 when trying to get my right leg onto the silk to do the sit before wrapping the silks around the pole for the second combo, I’m having trouble keeping the silks together on my right foot. I’ve tried different angles and silks, but feel my hip (or knee) flexibility stops me from getting my foot across enough to get it on without the silk opening. So when I sit instead of a straight pole under my foot, the silk is open and not sturdy. Hope that makes sense. So any tips to help get that part would be appreciated.

                      • #18664
                        Silks Stars Team

                          Added to the list!

                        • #18672


                            I’ve uploaded a video to show the problem I’m having. Trying to go toe first or heel first is the same issue. I don’t have enough flex to get the leg in without losing the silks or creating an opening. I did work on an alternative entry but am having trouble with being able to rotate my hips to the split. I get a stuck and can’t get my chest down. Would a sideways split be acceptable?

                            • This reply was modified 3 months ago by Danica.Liu.
                            • This reply was modified 3 months ago by Danica.Liu.
                            • This reply was modified 3 months ago by Danica.Liu.
                        • #18663

                            I have only tried it twice, but in the event I don’t figure it out by the Q&A, can you provide tips on the laso/jumprope element near the very end? Mine is falling flat instead of unwinding properly (even when I pull the front leg up and flick the silk backwards — it never makes it around to fully unwind)

                            • #18665
                              Silks Stars Team


                              • #18667

                                  I think I figured it out. It’s not just a foot “flick,” it’s also a wrist flick. However any tips are still welcome 🙂

                                • #18668
                                  Silks Stars Team

                                    Woot woot!

                                • #18666

                                    Love love love this sequence! I’m having a hard time getting the correct hand position in the planche position. My bottom hand feels like it’s going to be removed from my body lol! Any tips?

                                  • #18670

                                      Also, any tips on making the grip during the cowgirl split less crazy would be helpful! I can get into it but having a hard time pushing the back leg into the split while feeling like I can actually hold on with the top hand.

                                    • #18677

                                        Hello! I am having trouble with the playback. It’s saying that my password is wrong. Cowgirl
                                        I look forward to problem solving this sweet sequence! Thanks, Silks Stars.

                                        • #18678
                                          Silks Stars Team

                                            In the window where it tells you the password is wrong, click the button in the bottom right corner that says email me a link. From that link, the password worked from my end.
                                            Let us know!

                                        • #18680

                                            I tried that but, alas, it still said “Oops! The password is not valid.”

                                            • #18683
                                              Silks Stars Team

                                                See if it works now!

                                              • #18769

                                                  It worked! A belated thank you… this helped me to get my foot in the loop a bit better. 🙂

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