July 2024

Forums Monthly Challenges July 2024

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    • #17570
      Silks Stars Team

        Catch ‘n Weave to Salto, Archer and Knee Belay and Catch ‘n Weave to Archer Belay Split (mini rig). Post your questions, comments and work below!

      • #17725

          wonderful sequence! is there a way to walk down the salto?

        • #17735

            This is so beautiful! I am doing mini rig version. The lower to single knee hang before splits feels wrong but I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I can’t step in the right loop to exit from splits.without it sliding.

            And in case anyone benefits from my silly mistake, in the roll to the right from stagged arch hang, I was putting my knee on the top strand instead of the next one down and getting quite confused. May my stuff up help save you all some confusion.
            Thanks for this gorgeous sequence!

            • #17738
              Silks Stars Team

                @robin, if you feel comfortable sharing a video of the knee hang and sliding loops, that would help us get specific about what might be going on.
                And thank you for sharing! That zig zag has more than one option!

              • #17804

                  Excuse the delay! https://www.silksstars.com/community/robin/media/4744/ And ps I also get my foot caught a bit on the zigzag. Rachael, yours pops through so smoothly!

                • #17807
                  Silks Stars Team

                    Thank you! And you are not alone in getting the foot stuck in the zig zag! Also on the list 🙂

                  • #17849

                      Hello, and thanks so much for the Q&A. The knee, hand, foot, twist combined with me placing the knee towards the right side of the zig zag has helped! And now I can lower to the knee without sliding! (My last video was an adaptation because I was sliding too much.) So YAY!
                      I did retry the elbow roll from last month with more open elbow and body angles and yet again got big bruises. (Less yay, but I’m glad to have tried cos it looks so cool.)

                    • #17851
                      Silks Stars Team

                        Yeah, since every body bruises differently, and it is a lot of pressure, bruising is typical. For many bodies, consistent training over time can reduce the bruising. Not sure why that is! But does seem to be a trend. Bodies are wild!

                    • #17746

                        Some questions for you!
                        1) Prior to climbing up for the salto, I am finding my silks have split quite a lot so climbing up cleanly is tricky. Any suggestions aside from growing my legs longer? Once I get to a certain point I can drive down my leg to help close the silks, but for now it takes a couple of climbs before I can even join the silks.
                        2) After the salto, I find I’m not able to consistently get the silk to sit in my knee pit, it ends up high in my thigh and I have to slide it down manually. Do I need to lean back further to ensure the capture on the knee? I’ve tried to work out where my upper body needs to be to ensure the knee pit, but can’t quite nail it consistently.
                        3) On that pose after the salto, I’m not able to arch back to reach the back pole (position isn’t comfortable) – I can do it if I bend my back knee though, so I wonder if the back arch is a flexibility thing?

                        Video of one of my attempts so hopefully you can see what I mean. The angle is bad to see the split in the silks, but you can see the rest lol


                        • #17748
                          Silks Stars Team

                            On the list! Thank you for the video. For your first question, there might be a clue in the way you wrap before climbing above the knee for the salto. Would you be able to share a video of that as well? Also, you might be on to something with your next question. Rachel will have more details but that sounds like a good place to start investigating!

                          • #17760

                              I hit my upload quota for the month 🤦🏻‍♀️ here is a link to a video – https://photos.app.goo.gl/GbXRb8dud9fVmQ4c8

                              Hopefully that works!

                            • #17761
                              Silks Stars Team

                                It works! Thank you so much.

                              • #17810

                                  Thanks for the tips! Just watched the replay. It seems it’s all about the rotation of the hips. Now waiting for a non rainy day that I can getup and try the sequence again 🙂

                                • #17815

                                    So I finally managed to have a go today and it doesn’t seem to matter how I rotate my hips, the gap is quite large (leg is definitely behind me and not to the side). I watched it slowly and realised the silks lock on my thigh and not on my hip as it does with Rachel – so that’s probably what it is! So any tips on the rotation to ensure it lands on my hip/waist and not my thigh?


                                  • #17828
                                    Silks Stars Team

                                      Hey Danica! Great question. Your slack and activation of the foot locked leg look good. One place to tighten the poles together might be trying this, when you invert, straddle the legs to get the wrapped pole in the crease between your thigh and you hip. Once the pole is along the hip, then take the wrapped leg behind for that solid gazelle shape before climbing up. Happy training!

                                    • #17857

                                        Thanks for the tip! I did try today but the wind wasn’t having it (kept blowing the silks so I got tangled), and neither was my knee (ITB fun). Hopefully I can either get a day where there is no wind or rain (yay Winter in the Southern Hemisphere) or if I can get some training time indoors. Otherwise you get to enjoy my dramatised many hands approach instead!

                                      • #17859
                                        Silks Stars Team

                                          If there is drama, we are here for it!

                                      • #17794

                                          I gave this a go today and yes I’m having a similar challenge to Danica. It looks like the ratio of the zigs and zags of the free strand bit of my wrap in the passe to back balance position is different to Rachel’s. So then the distance between my two poles as I rotate round is much greater for me (the top of the zig zag is much smaller for Rachel). Then when I arrive in the back balance position the pole on the foot lock side isn’t coming away from my waist as it does for Rachel, it is about half way down my thigh. Which then makes it a) hard to make the pose there and to climb above for the salto, and b) also makes it hard when I arrive in the archer shape to reach far enough back with my arch and head to reach the pole behind (because the pole is much further back on the foot lock side because it’s coming out of mid thigh rather than top of thigh). I’m wondering if I actually have too much slack when I throw the loop around at the beginning, or if I’m grabbing in the wrong place height wise before I twist? Do all those many words make sense?! Ha ha. Ideas? Thanks guys 🙂 Here is a very obvious demonstration here: https://www.silksstars.com/community/caro/media/4741/

                                        • #17797

                                            I’ve worked on this for a couple days, and I love the sequence. I keep having issues with my foot getting stuck after the zig zag pose to the invert before the salto drop. I’ve tried the ques and tips shown in the video to help with it, but it still gets caught. And when I change the slack for the zig zag pose to try to help with my foot getting stuck, it makes it where I sometimes can’t get my leg through at all with the gap getting smaller or it drops low and gets smaller that way. So more advice or a short video to show how to help with the foot would be great.

                                          • #17802

                                              What are the consequences if you don’t manage to grab the pole during the salto? I’ve gotten the set up just fine, but I’m reluctant to try the drop without knowing what happens if I miss. Thanks!

                                              • #17806
                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                  Very Important question! Will add to the list!

                                                • #17811

                                                    Thanks for the reassurance about the lack of consequences- will try the salto in the morning!!!!

                                                • #17809

                                                    I am struggling to smoothly get the left hand out and above on the role. I can usually do it, but it’s awkward and ugly so I’m wondering if I’m missing some kind of a nuance.

                                                  • #17822

                                                      I’m having issues with the belay at the very end! For some reason I keep ending up in a full body belay, not a knee belay? I think my wraps look identical to the video before I attempt to windmill my legs into the knee belay, but it’s just not clicking for some reason! Is there a secret step I’m missing?

                                                      Also it would be super helpful if the video would tell you which way to turn to get into the z-shape! I had to watch it a few times to figure out to turn to the right. The dark leggings made seeing the direction difficult. 🙂 Maybe different color socks for those of us who struggle with right/left? Haha!

                                                      Edit! Naturally as soon as I post I get the knee belay for the first time. I’ll see if I still have any issues!

                                                      • #17829
                                                        Silks Stars Team

                                                          Great! Glad you figured out the belay. When the tail that ends up behind the hips after the foot lock comes off does not travel between the thighs, there is a moment there when the hips could follow in the loop as the belay is made.

                                                      • #17832

                                                          This sequence is so fun! I don’t really have the height to do anything pretty from the knee belay, but I like the salto (and the mini rig split is my new favorite split). Is it ok to just incorporate the salto into the mini rig sequence?

                                                        • #17878

                                                            Hi guys,I have trouble losing a lot of height from the split balance going down into the knee belay . Got any tips? I posted it on my page in here. Only have to days left to get it right!

                                                            • #17887
                                                              Silks Stars Team

                                                                Hi Jenny, see if you can make the belay loop a bit smaller by grabbing the tails earlier to create tension. Looking good!

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