June 2024

Forums Monthly Challenges June 2024

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    • #17377
      Silks Stars Team

        Sailboat Split to Triple Drop Combo and Sailboat Split to Elbow Roll (mini rig), post your questions, comments and work below!

      • #17385

          June challenge seems very great!
          Maybe there’s a problem with the visualization in the site? it seems like cropped in the bottom and I can’t see the control buttons that usually are showed under the video.

          • #17388
            Silks Stars Team

              Hmmm, it is different. Try viewing the video in picture-in-picture mode, the little icon in the right lower corner of a big square with an arrow to a smaller square. There are control options in that view.

            • #17394

                I can’t see the control bar, i don’t know of It Is a browser issue. I used Chrome, as usual

              • #17395

                  I can see It in May challenge, but not in June challenge.

                • #17427
                  Silks Stars Team

                    I understand. The picture in picture icon is available once you start the video, that view option will have a control bar.

                  • #17396

                      me too – same issue and consequently the videos are not downloadable

                      • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Yvan.
                    • #17414

                        Came here to see if anyone else is having the same issue! Can’t download on phone or computer, and there is no control bar on either.

                      • #17428
                        Silks Stars Team

                          Will see if there is something that can be adjusted on the back end. Not sure yet how to download the video in this format however a control bar does pop up in the picture-in-picture view. Once you start the video, a small icon of a bigger box with and arrow pointing to a smaller box will pop up in the lower right corner. That view offers a control bar.

                        • #17445
                          Silks Stars Team

                            Fixed! Thanks, Brett!

                        • #17478

                            Is there any other way to get out of the wrap at the bottom of the 2nd part of the drop? I want to do the drop but don’t have enough height to do the 3rd part of the drop. Any options would be appreciated!

                          • #17480

                              lovely sequence this month!
                              I have some question. First one is about the footlock. could we use an half foot lock or a eggbeater footlock? Could there be some contraindications?
                              The second one is about the third part of the drop. There’s a way to try it without passing for the first 2? Could we try it making the wrap from zero?
                              Thank you!

                            • #17488

                                Is anyone else having issues with the mini rig elbow roll being very pinchy and painful? I feel like I’m kind of plopping into it as opposed to doing it smoothly like Lydia and I’m wondering if that contributes to the pinching? Any help appreciated!

                                • #17495
                                  Silks Stars Team

                                    Will add to the Q&A list to see if Lydia has any suggestions.

                                  • #17499

                                      Yup! Same here. I feel like I’ll love it but for now it scrapes my biceps tendons.

                                    • #17500

                                        Now I have nasty bruises on both inner biceps. I don’t know how to share my photo so you’ll have to imagine them.

                                    • #17498

                                        So excited! I wanted to learn an elbow roll and now here it is! Same as Christine. I’m poppy and pinchy. Kinda feel like there’s not room for my elbows next to my breeders hips😂🤦🏼‍♀️

                                      • #17501

                                          Me too!!!!!! My biceps are SO bruised and sore. I have found that making sure the cross is as far down in my lower back as possible, and then keeping my lats pulled down tight and shoulder girdle strong does help, but my skin gets pinched every time! Really hope there’s a “magic trick” for this?!

                                          • #17502

                                              Oh thanks! I will stay away from this move for now because of the bruises, but I think I did as you suggested. Let me know if you find the magic solution!

                                          • #17503

                                              Happy Birthday, Lydia Lara!

                                            • #17523


                                                I was trying to watch the Q & A replay on Crowdcast for this month but there is an error or no video loaded on both my browser or the app. This has never been an issue before…

                                              • #17532


                                                  Last month, I could not submit a video due to a nasty back spasm. This month I caught up and could record the May and June challenges.
                                                  Could I submit both and get feedback?

                                                  Thank you🙂

                                                  • #17549
                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                      Glad to hear you are doing better! Your June submission will first go towards stars and feedback. If there is time after all videos are reviewed, you may receive feedback for May as well. Certainly submit both, we love seeing progress in what you all post here!

                                                  • #17550

                                                      Thanks so much for the Q&A tips on elbow roll. We just sailed Fiji to Vanuatu for 4 days. Now our anchorage is so rolly that, ironically, I cannot try the roll (or any aerials). But I definitely had a tightly closed elbow angle, so now I have hope! And the splitty bit is fun. If I don’t submit on time know that I will do this sequence ASAP regardless.

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