November 2024

Forums Monthly Challenges November 2024

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    • #18449
      Silks Stars Team

        Separated Star Drop to Spinning Arabesque and Supported belay split balance (mini rig). Post your questions, comments and work below!

      • #18478

          Love this sequence!

          Any way to walk the drop down?

        • #18493

            Thank you for asking Sarah! Also, for me, the password “Arabesque “ is not working … and lastly… Rachel, you never cease to WOW me! Thanks for this gorgeous sequence!

            • #18519
              Silks Stars Team

                On it about the password, thanks for the heads up!

            • #18503

                another wonderful sequence!
                Could you suggest some preparatory exercises for the inverted xback?
                Also, does the drop feel like a spool+ single star drop + wheeldown? any way to warm up and prepare these single drops?
                could we suggest the best follow along ground workouts to better warm up for this sequence?
                Thank you!

                • #18518
                  Silks Stars Team

                    Good question, added to the Q&A. Until then, check out the archive of Ground Workouts for anything that activates the core and active flexibility of the legs, particularly in straddle.

                  • #18526

                      always precious! thank you!

                  • #18506

                      Is there any reason for a more secure landing that this drop can’t be done with a double cross on the back?

                      As a prep stage or as a stand alone drop? I understand the sliding sequence after wouldn’t work. But just thinking about separating it or providing more landing security.


                      • #18517
                        Silks Stars Team

                          Good question, typically any cross back drop alone can be done with the double cross loop. As you suggested, the next part of the choreography is a factor is choosing which wrap to use.
                          Rachel may have some good thoughts on how to break it down!

                      • #18529

                          Hello! I am attempting the mini rig challenge (which looks gorgeous by you, Rachel!), but I am struggling
                          a) to get the right amount of slack to do splits and
                          b) to keep the loop at the knee or ankle.
                          I would love tips! Thanks, team!
                          Here’s my struggle….

                          • #18530
                            Silks Stars Team

                              On the list!

                            • #18537

                                Thanks! I made some progress but I changed a bit to manage the loop length which Rachel doesn’t have to do. I’d rather keep the loop below my knee and hold the tail in front of my face but that hasn’t happened for me yet. I look forward to Q&A but will probably watch recording.

                            • #18531

                                In the demo, Rachel says to really straighten the right leg before the drop. How does one know when to bend it again to catch oneself … and what happens if that catch is missed?

                                • #18533
                                  Silks Stars Team

                                    Good question. It took me a few views to see how Rachel’s leg catches, it’s pretty cool! I’ll add this to the list and see if you can see it in the demo.

                                • #18532

                                    So I changed and started working on the mini rig version, but when I attempt to do my split, my head is never below the knot. I’ve tried giving more slack, but that puts me uneven with the front leg above horizontal and the back leg below which then makes me slide in to the loop. I tried to upload a picture, but for some reason that’s not working either 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ Any suggestions? Thanks!

                                    • #18534
                                      Silks Stars Team

                                        Good question! Added to the list.

                                      • #18538

                                          We share this struggle!

                                      • #18539

                                          Hi guys, I don’t seem able to download the Fabulous Fascia workout, it only gives me the option to embed or email. Is there a way to make it downloadable? I like doing this in the office on my non training days, and it’s handy to have it downloaded.

                                          • #18541
                                            Silks Stars Team

                                              Good catch, Danica, will see what we can do.

                                            • #18544

                                                Thanks, it’s working now. Might be a silly question, but the link to the Q&A from my email isn’t working for me, it keeps going to the October Q&A session. The link from the community tab above, sends me to September! Is there somewhere I can grab the link for this month?

                                                • This reply was modified 4 months ago by Danica.Liu.
                                            • #18546


                                                If I click the image and not the link, I’m in the right crowdcast

                                              • #18548

                                                  Hi team. I tried the first part of this and on the drop bounced first on my crotch (legs either side of one of the poles) before landing it. Do you know what might have happened? I’ve only tried it once so it might improve as I get the feel for the pathway.

                                                  • #18551
                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                      Hey Caroline! Glad you caught us with this question at the Q&A yesterday.
                                                      If your shoulders sit up a little bit more so they are parallel to the floor, you will get that sideways rotation. Legs on one side of the pole and the body on the other. It’s not quite a star drop set up, where the shoulders lift when the belly towards the sky, but more like the belly down moment in a wheeldown. In the walk and talk part of Rachel’s demo video, notice how her shoulders are lifted when her belly is down.
                                                      Otherwise, looks like a great way to get comfy with the catch as landing with the legs in an inverted straddle is secure and really slows the transition down 🙂

                                                  • #18555


                                                      I feel like I’m following Rachel’s tip from the QA to really lean back but you’ll see my head is still not under the knot. It seems like when I can keep my weight more forward I get closer, but I really struggle to do that and I have not succeeded one time in being completely under the knot. Any more tips?

                                                      • #18559
                                                        Silks Stars Team

                                                          Hey Jill! Great work on this.
                                                          Two things, one you can change sooner, one may be a several year goal.
                                                          The place where your belay loop is on the locked strand is super high when you kick it through, and then as you adjust the tail, the belay knot slides down. Try to pull the tail out/horizontally rather than down to see if you can keep the height you are creating.
                                                          Checking back on Rachel’s demo, ya’ll have a similar amount of space between your footlock and the belay knot. However, Rachel has *over splits*. Ha, ha, and damn.
                                                          As you work on flexibility goals, keeping the belay loop where you place it in the kick through will be a quicker answer 😉

                                                          Happy training!

                                                      • #18557

                                                          Is anyone else having issues getting the replay to work? Keep hitting the play button and nothing happens. Have tried different platforms and also in the app 🤷🏻‍♀️

                                                          • #18558
                                                            Silks Stars Team

                                                              We had some trouble with the password this month.
                                                              Try this link:
                                                              Or, when you register for the replay, instead of typing in the password, below on the right you can click “Email me a link” and that should take you to the replay

                                                            • #18560

                                                                It’s weird I can get in and see the comments it’s the play button when pressed just times out and then just has a cross through it.

                                                              • #18561
                                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                                  Have you tried updating the browser/computer? Clearing cookies? The replay works on my end so this might be more localized.

                                                              • #18571

                                                                  Could not get the Q&A replay to work no matter what I tried

                                                                • #18572

                                                                    I’ve done the drop walk-down numerous times and rolled the whole drop out on the mat several times. I’m so nervous to try this drop! 😭 Anyone else feel this way and actually get through it?!

                                                                    • #18574
                                                                      Silks Stars Team

                                                                        You’ve got this!

                                                                      • #18577

                                                                          hey SarahB I was really freaked out about this drop. But then I filmed myself doing it and it looked so NOT crazy….feels way more intense than it actually is. The first time I dropped it I was terrified. Then I looked at my video and was like “Huh” it does not look like a big scary drop. Anyways, rambling and repeating myself, but GO FOR IT!!!

                                                                        • #18585

                                                                            Hi Sarah! I spent many days trying the walkdown because I was very scared, but when I tried it for the first time, keeping the leg very straight and the other one in a straddle, everything was good and it was very funny.
                                                                            Anyway I’m not a fan of doing things that in some ways scares us, I prefer workarounds if I viscerally don’t feel good about something. Good luck, have fun!

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