October 2024

Forums Monthly Challenges October 2024

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    • #18278
      Silks Stars Team

        Standing Slack Knee Drop into S-wrap Back Dive and Standing Tail Pick Up Into S-wrap Pop Through (Mini Rig). Post your questions, comments and work below!

      • #18368

          Hello. Any tips for wrapping the tail smoothly over our foot in the very first part?

          Thank you 😊

        • #18370
          Silks Stars Team

            From @ncupps
            1. Knee Slide: I think I am keeping my leg straight, but it is still getting caught on my knee. Maybe my calves/thighs are too wide for the slide? What am I doing wrong?
            2. Back Dive: The first time was okay, but the second time I almost feel out of it. I am struggling with “what is my body supposed to be doing here since the drop is a bit odd?” and “what are my arms supposed to be doing here? Stay in “T” shape?

          • #18373
            Silks Stars Team

              Good questions! Added to the Q&A!
              For now:
              1. The hand on the tail also has a role in how the wrap tightens around the leg, from your video, it doesn’t seem to be getting caught but instead tightened before it moves up the leg. Sarah stays really upright until the wrap moves where she wants it
              2. The walk out Sarah offers is a great way to understand what rotation is needed. Keep the core engaged so the legs do not drop making the chest lift before the rotation and yes, “T”ed arms are less likely to pass through the narrow space of the poles. Widen your body at the shoulders to stop passing the poles like you would use a straddle to keep the hips from passing through the poles.
              Happy training!

            • #18375


                Hi. Thanks a lot for this beautiful sequence. Sarah made it look too easy …… but it is actually challenging. See my video with the drop attempt. I did not pike, but my left leg hit the pole as I was dropping, which caused my rotation to stop while in the upside-down position. It was scary as it ended in an open drop position. Tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

                • This reply was modified 2 weeks ago by Janice.
                • This reply was modified 2 weeks ago by Janice.
                • #18378
                  Silks Stars Team

                    Hey Janice. So glad you are ok. Added to the list for the Q&A.

                • #18383

                    I also am having trouble with the wrap catching on my knee. I’m not sure I understand what you mean with “the hand has a role”. I have been trying to drop my left hand to give more slack hoping it will pop over my knee, but I notice Sarah actually pulls her hand up. I tried that too. Still catching… 🎂

                  • #18384

                      Don’t know why that posted with a cake! 😂

                      • #18385
                        Silks Stars Team

                          Love the cake!
                          Getting the wrap the slide to the knee is definitely on the list. Hopefully Sarah has some words of wisdom.

                      • #18386

                          Is it possible to get a conversation started for the partner challenge? I’m having no luck finding an Orlando person.

                          • #18387

                              I second this recommendation. No one in DFW either (or they are not updating their location). Open to people “traveling through” the area as well.

                            • #18389
                              Silks Stars Team


                              • #18392
                                Silks Stars Team

                                  Ask and you shall receive!

                                  Duo Meet Up Challenge

                                  This thread is under the General tab on the forum page.
                                  Happy hunting!

                              • #18388

                                  (Hoping this message posts!)

                                  If it’s possible, I think I’m getting worse on the back dive to backpack thing. I tried the mini rig version, as suggested, which I get, but adding that back dive on (for some reason) really confuses me. I’m like a busted up pinball.

                                  Also, the straddle invert is lopsided. I know you mentioned it would be loose, but the right side is extra tight on the straddle to sit whereas the left side sometimes has a large loop.

                                  • #18390
                                    Silks Stars Team

                                      Success! Will add to the list, thank you for the videos.

                                  • #18393

                                      I’m struggling most with the very beginning, shoulder mobility do swim through. When I try to bend forward to get upper body through, I end up sliding down, really struggling to keep pressure on my feet. Super frustrating, as I’m good to go once I get into a S-wrap. ☹️. Any suggestions? https://photos.app.goo.gl/2pgY7TNX9QfCBN2f6 (Apologies for the view, I rotated).

                                      • #18406

                                          I finally put some spray rosin on my foot- I’m training in a really cold garage, it’s super slick. That helped! Going back to some shoulder mobility floor workouts, too. Still would love tips, tho!

                                      • #18394

                                          (Hope this message posts too)

                                          If you want a visual, this is what happens in the “straddle to sit” for the drop.

                                          It’s like the “tight” leg gets stuck and has to bend and the looser leg has a small loop that needs to be pulled out before the drop.

                                        • #18398

                                            Thanks Silks Stars Team for the Duo thread! Headed there now! 😁🤞🏼

                                          • #18401

                                              Hi! I need your advice. I uploaded the video of the last attempt of the drop. this never happened to me before, but two days ago I slipped out of the thread with my left arm. Did you see what I’ve done wrong? I have maybe to guide the first part of the back dive more horizontal, helping me in the movement with my arms on the poles?
                                              Thank you in advance


                                              • This reply was modified 4 days, 7 hours ago by robpippi.
                                              • This reply was modified 4 days, 7 hours ago by robpippi.
                                              • #18404
                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                  Hey Roberta! It looks like the legs piked too far before the upper body was able to rotate enough for the arms to catch. Keeping the body tight and wide straddle, hips long in the front, and wide arms to slow down the rotation so the half turn can happen. If the legs pike hard, it brings up the upper body upright too soon for this catch.
                                                  Hope this helps and happy training!

                                                • #18408

                                                    thank you! i will pay attention when I will restart the training. unfortunately the drop have bruised my armpit so bad…

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