September 2024

Forums Monthly Challenges September 2024

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    • #18131
      Silks Stars Team

        Superhero Roll Out into Twisty Elbow Catch and Superhero Roll Out into Ankle Hook Spin (mini rig). Post your questions, comments and work below!

      • #18146

          I can’t see the combo!there is no video attached yet

        • #18156

            Is it too soon to be excited?!?! 😜

          • #18170

              Oh my goodness. This is going to be another tough month, but so excited we are bring back geometry — watch that diagonal angle in the catch! lol. 🙂

            • #18209

                I’ve done enough of Brett’s silkstars challenges to not be fooled by how simple he makes it look – this is one going to be a doozy 😂. Could you show/explain entry into the elbow twisty catch so we can practise that separately please.

                • #18214
                  Silks Stars Team

                    On the list for the Q&A!
                    The wrap is an S wrap, the tail across the back and wrapped in the feet, same side foot as the arm the pole is under. It’s the wrap used for wheeldowns in case that is helpful for now 🙂

                  • #18237

                      worked it out, thank you! OK not sure if it’s something you can help with, but when I do the twist around I am bending my knees (probably out of fear!) and end up in foetal position on my mat, but hey the silk is in my elbow 🤣. I would love if you have any tips on ensuring legs stay straight. I’ll try to attach a vid 🙂

                    • #18239
                      Silks Stars Team

                        Ah! The mental training part of silks! Will add to see if Brett has any thoughts besides thinking ‘Stay straight, legs!’

                    • #18211

                        Can’t wait to be able to start working on this one, I love the dynamic options. Also, thank you so much for the grip ground workout, I’m travelling shortly and now have something that can help me work on my grip while away. Just need to find a stick…..😂😂😂😂😂

                      • #18226

                          Thanks so much for the grip warm up this month!! I’m looking forward to the challenge as well.

                        • #18241

                            Anyone struggling to hold both silks in their hand behind their back? I can’t seem to get them together for one and two doesn’t feel like I can hold it.

                          • #18243

                              I also am having trouble holding both silks in 1 hand. Another thing is my Superhero is more vertical than Brett’s. Does that matter? When I do get more horizontal I am not able to just “roll” out like he does. I can’t get my head and neck around the silk without grabbing it with my hand. Not sure what secret sauce magic Brett has, but I need some! 🤪

                              • #18245
                                Silks Stars Team

                                  Added to the list! Let’s see what special sauce Brett has this month 🙂

                              • #18248

                                  Crap! I missed the Q&A! But I’m not seeing the Sept one in the replay section. Can anyone else find it?

                                • #18250

                                    YES! YES! YESSSSSSSS! A thousand times yes! I saw the Q&A and Brett not only answered my 1st question but 2 more struggles I hadn’t even mentioned! I really LOVE this program and how you 2 are so willing to share your expertise! I could have practiced this a million times and not realized I was reaching too high too soon. I am SO EXCITED to get up there and put this new knowledge to use! Just love you guys! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! Also, sending a shoutout to anyone in/near Orlando to do the partner challenge!

                                    • #18251
                                      Silks Stars Team

                                        Yay! We love hearing any and all excitement always!

                                    • #18256

                                        Happy Sep! I’m on the miniest of mini rigging situations until November, and even 6” of slip dropping into the S-wrap after superhero makes a difference. Can you point me to more anti-slip tips? I’ll rewatch the full rig video in case you address it there, but I didn’t see it in the Q&A. I’m considering buying a velvet unitard and rubbing it full of rosin at this point…

                                        • #18257

                                            Some success really pushing my hips up and into the pole in the layout position creates some more tension- kept my ponytail off the ground by the end!

                                          • #18263
                                            Silks Stars Team

                                              Alright! Yes, active hips into the pole, constant negotiation of keeping tension where the strands cross, sounds like you found your few inches!

                                          • #18281

                                              Hi team. Is there a pathway into the superman balance that doesn’t involve much hip impingement? I really flared up my right hip and some lower back issues a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been very careful coming back to movement and silks and today is my first day back on silks. I’m keen to do this months challenge in a careful way if possible. Thanks Caro

                                              • #18282

                                                  Actually I think doing it on the other side might be the safest option to try. And skipping the arabesque turn out if need be. Now just to learn it on the “other side” ha ha ha.

                                                • #18291
                                                  Silks Stars Team

                                                    Oh nice! Sounds like a great plan as this does use that nice hip hold.

                                                • #18285

                                                    Oh another question. When I’m in the superman balance and get it nice and horizontal, I don’t feel so secure with my head and body out the side that Brett has them, sometimes it feels like I could easily fall out (in the opposite direction to the one we roll out), is there any trick to balancing safely there?

                                                    • #18292
                                                      Silks Stars Team

                                                        Good question. Two things you can consider. Notice how Brett’s hips are more weighted to the opposite side of the wrap where the head and shoulders are, counterbalancing the direction the head and shoulders might be pulling. Another option is the take the arm on the side of the shoulder braced pole and really squeeze the bicep towards your ear. If that feels like a hold you can maintain with your shoulder strength, you cld even tilt a little further towards the head side to find it’s not longer a balance but rather a held shape supported by that shoulder.
                                                        Happy training!

                                                      • #18320

                                                          Thanks so much 🙂

                                                      • #18297

                                                          i seem to get some extra slack in one silk when i roll out to the s wrap. Its making me nervous to go for it on the twisty elbow thing because i dont know how that will affect it. Even when i am double wrapped. I have done it a million times trying to deconstruct and find out where/how i am getting slack. Any tips? I know its late in the month!!!

                                                          • #18313
                                                            Silks Stars Team

                                                              Good question. In theory, the tight strand would allow the twisty elbow catch to go well but yeah, having a loose strand adds some unknowns!
                                                              From the first arabesque shape with the tails held behind the back, pull that wrap around the thigh tight. After the superhero roll, when the thigh gets wrapped again, pull the tails across the back to adjust any slack in the S wrap before wrapping the thigh.
                                                              Another place to adjust slack could be when prepping for the twisty elbow catch, coming out of the S wrap. Pull the poles to check the slack coming out of the knee hook and when wrapping the feet, treat it like a climb to see if you can grab the loose strand and slide it down while straightening the knees for the final initial drop prep shape.

                                                              Happy training!

                                                          • #18365

                                                              Hi Team!

                                                              I was eagerly looking forward to your feedback and realise today that my video for September did not upload 😔.
                                                              I uploaded it again and now it works fine.
                                                              I am very sorry for the delay, I understand I am past the deadline, but if someone could review it, I d be forever grateful☺️.

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