Thank yous and farewells – what an amazing community

Forums General Thank yous and farewells – what an amazing community

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    • #10315

        I’m bidding farewell to silks stars and I would like to say thank you to this amazing community that does such great aerial work. Thank you. It’s been an amazing time. You have cheered me on, inspired me, supported me and made me laugh from across the globe. So many generous, kind, talented, strong, creative and brave aerial artists that are part of this community. @yvanlp @jenny @janice @kkrup @Lauradp @eiz123 @Elleb @cheeky_southern @rbatignani @carmen @adriene @monica-xiong @jill-b-lovin-aerial and more – there are so many of you. And I really think this community is a testament to the tone that Rachel and Brett set in all their demonstrations, Q&A’s, forum responses, communications (and lets not forget insta!) with us. They are supportive, talented, inspiring, keep us safe, and give us a slice of humour to help from time to time. Go well aerial friends. I’ll be watching you on insta! xx Caro

      • #10317

          Thanks to you Caro! Your tag makes me feel special ❣️ See you on the net

        • #10324

            So sweet you are dear @caro. I will miss you! but I am happy that we remain connected via IG. I wish you all the best! ❤️🙏🙆🏻‍♂️

          • #10325

              Sorry to hear that we won’t be seeing you on the community forum. Thanks for all that you have shared. Best wishes!

            • #10329

                AW man. You have been such a source of inspiration. Look forward to seeing you on the insta. Happy trails to you 🙂

              • #10382

                  Ooohh @caro wishing you the best! Thank you as well for sharing your beautiful energy with all of us. See you around in ig 🥰

                • #10460

                    Best wishes in aerial and in life! You will be missed here! Thank you for all that you’ve shared and for being part of this lovely community!

                  • #10496

                      What??? You will be missed!!!! It was wonderful seeing your performances. And it was an honor being on the same “stage” as you. Thanks to IG, we can still be in touch. Continue soaring high and enjoying your aerial adventures 🙂

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